The IKG meetings are an idiosyncratic hybrid of exhibition (art from the suitcase), meetings of artists, art historians and curators, debates and familiarisation with other positions. They take place annually, alternating between a city in Germany and a city within the wider European continent. They always provide a new playing field on which attitudes, ideas and images come together in their contradictions, in an open process in which communication, curiosity, inclination and interest in others are the most important things. This is always a challenge: it is about finding a permanent balance between all the idiosyncrasies, but also one that is not sterile or one-dimensional and ultimately results in a trimmed product. In recent years, the IKG has organised intensive meetings, debates and exhibitions with nomadic works that juxtapose many different things.

2024 | Cottbus
deep work | 26. – 29. 10. 2024 Pop-Up-Exhibition | Annual General Meeting | Symposium Our IKG meeting took place from 26 to 29 September 2024 under the motto Deep Work in Cottbus.

2023 | Rotterdam
Auf den Tisch / Onto The Table | 05.– 08. 10. 2023 Pop-Up-Action | Annual General Meeting Our ICG meeting took place in Rotterdam from 05 to 08 October 2023

2022 | Wiesbaden
Gegenspannend / Reciprocal Tension Symposium | Exhibition | annual meeting Our IKG meeting GEGENSPANNEND/RECIPROCAL TENSION took place in Wiesbaden from September 29th to October 1st, 2022. As always, we

2021 | Brno
Thousand Plateaus | Brno 30.9.-3.10.2021 The International Artists’ Committee | Exhibition | Guided tours and annual meeting For the author Peter Härtling, Brno is the city that in his mind

2020 | Berlin
BERLIN | 3/10/2020 On October 3rd, 2020, the IKG held our annual assembly in the large meeting room of ZAK, Zitadelle Berlin-Spandau. 33 members were present and 14 participated via

2019 I Halle (Saale)
HALLE (SAALE) | 19 – 22/9/2019 The annual meeting 2019 took place in cooperation with the Kunsthochschule Halle, Burg Giebichenstein in the rooms of the Burg Galerie. At our annual

2018 | Berne
REPUBLIQUE GENIALE | Berne, 11- 14/10/2018 The IKG was a guest of the art project REPUBLIQUE GENIALE The République Géniale, resurrected in Bern 50 years after 1968 and further

2017 | Mönchengladbach
MÖNCHENGLADBACH | 12– 15/10/2017 The philosopher Hans Jonas born in Mönchengladbach in 1903, pondered in his main work The principle of responsibility, Responsibility and hope together: It is not about

2016 | Linz
LINZ, 3- 6/11/2016 ‘The train will not derail before Linz, it briefly stops in Linz, I have never been in Linz, I always drove through it, Linz on the Danube

2015 | Chemnitz
CHEMNITZ | 29/10/2015 – 1/11/2015 Our this year’s IKG meeting took place in Chemnitz, ‘City of Modernity’. Again we installed a migrating exhibition in the spacious rooms of the ‘Neue

2014 | Poznan
POZNAN-POSEN | Poznan, 9-12/10/2014 According to a legend, the name of the city is derived from the Polish word poznan, which means recognize as well as get to know. So

2013 | Cologne
VIVA COLONIA Cologne, 31th of Okober to 3rd of November 2013 For our IKG-meeting 2013 in Cologne the ‘Alte Feuerwache’ in Cologne was our headquarter. Around our gathering quite a

2012 | Bregenz
BREGENZ-CONFERENCE Bregenz, 8th to 11th of November 2012 This year we met in Bregenz which is located in a border region, where Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein meet one another. Although

2011 | Ghent
GENT à GOGO Ghent, 27th to 30th of October 2011 Our annual meeting 2011 took place in Ghent, a city between splendour and French. Through all history, Ghent has been

2010 | Duisburg
RUHR 2010 Duisburg, 7th to 10th of October 2010 Sometimes we locals stand on our railway bridges, looking at the half-finished skylines of our communities and think: Boah! That doesn’t

2009 | Genua
DA CAPO in GENOA 30th of September until 3rd of October 2009 Her beauty rips your soul” Flaubert wrote when describing the former naval force Genoa, which was for a

2008 | Frankfurt/Oder
FrankfurtODERSlubice Frankfurt/Oder, 16th – 19th October 2008 The program of our annual meeting 2008, was a moving and movable gathering, organized together with the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder and

2007 | Vienna
Loop Vienna 27th – 31st of September 2007 At our meeting 2007 at the beautiful space of the Academy of Fine Arts we were discussing the Idea of Europe. In

2006 | Mittelstrimmig/Hunsrück
A country in which nobody has been yet: homeland Mittelstrimmig/Hunsrück 31. 8. – 3. 9. 2006 For our annual meeting 2006 we choose a region, which is also the starting

2005 Tallinn
Without Borders Tallinn, 21st until 25th September 2005 For or meeting in Tallinn we purposed to prove with a sort of welcoming cocktail the new ly opening art museum KUMU.

2003 | Belgrade
Rediscover Belgrade, 3rd until 7th September 2003 At our annual meeting in Belgrade 2003 the intentions was to rediscover Serbia swallowed up for years by criminal politics and the art