BERLIN | 3/10/2020
On October 3rd, 2020, the IKG held our annual assembly in the large meeting room of ZAK, Zitadelle Berlin-Spandau. 33 members were present and 14 participated via video meeting.
Claudia Busching resigned from the position of managing director. The President Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, the Board and the members present, thanked Claudia Busching for her commitment. Ina Bierstedt stood for election as Claudia Busching’s successor, and she was elected as the IKG’s new Secretary.
Josef Ramseder has resigned from the office as deputy board member. Valerian Maly was elected as his successor.
Marina Herrmann, Elvira Lantenhammer, Susanne Tunn, Yoko Hata, Julia Kröpelin, Bettina Carl, Susanne Ring, Artur Klinau, Tina Born and Wolfgang Weileder were elected as new members. All of them have accepted the election and we hereby warmly welcome our new members. We are looking forward to inspiring cooperation.