RUHR 2010
Duisburg, 7th to 10th of October 2010
Sometimes we locals stand on our railway bridges, looking at the half-finished skylines of our communities and think: Boah! That doesn’t look nice.
Our annual meeting took place in the frame of CAPITAL OF EUROPE – RUHR 2010 in Duisburg, in the centre of a metropolis of becoming. The Paul’s Cathedral in Duisburg-Hochfeld provided a space for performances, sound and presentations, in addition, of course, we had a tour to experience the region which is between industry culture and culture industry. We esplored the Zeche Zollverein, guided by Gabriele Heidner, and Prof Ursula Ringleben provide Information about the architecture of the area. Other staions wre the Gasometer in Oberhausen and the project 2-3 streets of our member Jochen Gerz. On the last evening we had a fine concerts with contributions of Paul Panhuysen, Hans W. Koch und Byunggjun Kwon.

Listening – Concert in Paul’s Church, Duisburg
Diana Mercedes Alonso, Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Jens Brand, Monika Bartholomé, Frank Bölter, Terry Buchholz, Claudia Busching, Georg Dietzler, Harald Falkenhagen, Wolfgang Hahn, Dietrich Helms, Harald Hofmann, Katja Hoffmann Wildner, Gereon Inger, Gisela Kleinlein, Bruno Krenz, Silke Leverkühne, Rune Mields, Markus Mussinghoff, Paul Panhuysen, Gerard Polhuis, Norbert Radermacher, Eva-Maria Schön, Hans-Peter Webel, Michael Willhardt